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It looks really good. Do you plan to add in-game music in the future?

Yes music is planning. Provided the memory can handle it ;)

I love it!

New update is online. :)


I´ve had a comment on my channel from you on youtube but it seem that it´s not longer there, maybe you deleted him. I think it was about the new game? 

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Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber da war wohl etwas. Falls ich es gelöscht habe, war das keine Absicht – sorry! ;)

It's not bad, but I find it a bit too much to jump so many on each enemy.

There should still be a little challenge. The enemies will become important as the game progresses. Especially the headshots to get screts ;)

Thank you

No problem :) I hope you enjoy the new game 

Will there be a whdload option?

looking forward to playing this!

It will still take a while until the complete game is finished, but updates will come gradually 

I love the early access, so thanks! I really love your gfx, full of appeal!

This engine and graphics set would also be a good basis for an ARPG.

You could visit tree houses, go to villages an enter the houses, talk to people and improve stats.

A whole quest could exist.

This should not be a quest game. Somehow I was in the mood for a classic platformer again :) RPG with quest order are not so easy. I'm still working on another project and it will take longer with the quests because I also want to tell a story. 

A little tip about the teleporter in level 2: it's here and it gets harder to find it every time you enter the level. So have fun searching. The other two levels have some secrets and there will be more. So let yourself be surprised. :)

Que bonito, gracias

Con mucho gusto :)

Awesome game!

Thanks for the video  :)

Good ! A new game and it seems very addictive.
Thanks for including me in the thanks list, but a big thanks goes to you for still developing games on the Amiga. ;)

I always enjoy making games for the Amiga. It's always a lot of work but I see it as a hobby. I do it in my freetime. I also find the support of the community always great and am happy about any support.  :)

very good

Thank you :)

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Great game, thanks.

Thanks for the video and the nice words about the game :)

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Unfortunately, the previous version crashed. I have uploaded a new version in the hope that it will work again. Unfortunately I don't have an Amiga to test at the moment as mine is broken. The game ran on Winuae without any problems. I hope the problem is solved now